<------ Click to play along! Confession time!
- Well, I have a lot to confess and I don't have a theme which brings me to my first one.
- I need to get more organized. I bought all kinds of things last week to help with that and I'm taking it all back this week because I'm not going to use it.
- I need to get better about studying my scriptures.
- My heart is breaking for Britney and the pain she is feeling for her Mom right now.
- Suicide is the most heartwrenching thing for a family to deal with and I hope I never have to with my immediate family.
- I'm still sick a little, and even though I sound better and for the most part, feel good, I'm still ugh.
- I think General is depressed.
- I'm scared to death of my new schedule of being at work at 6:30 in the AM.
- I would love to sleep all day and then go to work but my friends need me at night so I'm trying to be there.
- I'm going to the Temple Saturday.
- It feels like I haven't been in months and it hasn't been near that long.
- I still can't remember everything and it drives me crazy. I would kind of like to go in Birmingham.
- Blueberry bagels and regular cream cheese? I'll pass next time but thanks!
- My facial hair is worse than a man's. Anyone want to donate to my fund to have it removed? Let me know and I will start a donation center.
'loved reading your list!
P.S. My 1st time to confess
You are so cute! Thanks for playing. I, too, need to get more organized...story of my life :) 6:30 am for your job? Holy moly, that is early! Good luck with that...I'm not jealous...:)
If you can get that hair removal fund going...I'd like to apply for a hair removal scholarship! Seriously, being a brunette is hard work
HAHA! Loved your last one....I HATE hair growth. Seriously. STOP growing already!
Yes, I think all of is need to be a little more organized...
Hootsuite helps me organize my online life...
May God bless you and those who have experienced loss with the suicide and all. (I'm new here so I don't know the details.) Not that I need them, I am just expressing my thoughts that I hope God is with you.
He is the ultimate peacebringer.
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