The pool is almost open! I'm so excited! I start tomorrow morning with my new routine. It is to get up before 11 and go walk with General around the neighborhood and eat better. I have the stuff to eat healthy with, but it's the cooking it part I struggle with. As much as I hate to cook, I am starting to miss it. There is a level of creativity with it. Maybe I will go to the library and see what kind of cookbooks I can find.
On a sad note, my most fave missionary of all is leaving on Tuesday. I'm going to miss him. We have had the chance to see Elder Jolley grow both spiritually and emotionally as well. He is someone very special to all of us and I know that he will do great things while serving his mission for the Church.
On a better note, my personal mission for myself is going great. Every time I start to feel down about things, I go outside and get some fresh air and think positive until I start believing it. It does make the day go better. As I told Mother this morning, I will be back to the old Jackie who never gets intimidated and didn't let anything get her down. She is making a return and it's great!
Life is good!
April Tabletop Banner of the Month Club
3 days ago
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