2010 is going to be an awesome year; it's going to be MY year! For this year, I wish us all peace, love, and happiness blah, blah, blah. For real, I do hope that we can all find the strength through our Heavenly Father to help us through all of the difficult times and be able to overcome any obsticles that get in our way as well as enjoy all of our blessings and gifts!
For 2010, my goals are to continue to work on my debt, become healthier, and continue to learn and grow within the gospel. I have a lot of debt from when I was with Cliff and even though the divorce papers say he has to pay for certain things, ultimately he isn't going to and I will end up doing it. OK. I will deal and be the better person (I always was ;) ) and just pay it to get it off my back. I would love to be able to buy a house by the time I'm 30 and with this much debt, it will never happen.
Becoming healthier is tough. I love pastas and breads and all of those forbidden types of food. I'm not big on sweet stuff but do enjoy a little every once in awhile. I'm not going to get a candy bar all the time and I'm not going to pig out on chips either but I will stop at Sonic any chance I get and since there is one up the road, I have a lot of chances. Must. Stop. This. So my fridge is full of salad stuff and yogurts and good stuff for me and I'm even going to cook it! *Gasp* Yes, people I will cook it and try not to burn the place down.
The Gospel. Wow, there is so much for me to learn! There is so much for all of us to learn. I try and make myself stay for relief society but the truth is, it isn't my favorite meeting of the day by any stretch of the imagination. I figure that's why it's so important to go so that I can learn more and be more willing. I'm trying to get back to basics with reading my scriptures more and praying every day again. I don't know why it's so hard lately but it is. My scriptures stare me down and I pass them by but not anymore! It's here for all to see and hold me accountable so I expect you to do just that!
Onto other news, General and I have moved! YAY! We now live in a crackerjack box! Seriously, I've never lived anywhere so small but I like it and it's nice to be able to be completely on my own. I don't have to worry about others' morals and the things they are doing. I'm comfortable in my own home and know that nothing is going on that I don't agree with...except General farting 24/7. Seriously, he can clear a room in one "poof."
I like my job SOOO much more than I did. It is very much same ol' same ol' with my job but things are going better. Still loving my supervisor and he is very much the reason that I'm doing better with my scores and such. I think the entire call center could learn a little something from him and how he treats his team.
My nieces and nephew are growing up SO incredibly fast and it just blows my mind. I wish I was able to be with Sam & Briley half as much as I'm with Abby. Abby, by the way completely stole my heart the other night. I put her down for bed and she bawled and bawled and I bawled with her as I sat outside her door and I finally couldn't handle it anymore. I picked her up and went to lay down with her in Jen and Mikal's bed. Laying there with her on my arm is so nice but she kept putting her hand through my hair and kissing me and then turn over and rinse and repeat. Ahhh, I love her!
On that note, here are some pics that we've had done and some snapshots too from this past Sunday when we went to Charlie Brown’s ICE! It was a blast and soooo cold but it was fun to slide down the slides and just enjoy friends. Enjoy the pics and I hope that your 2010 is going to be as great as mine!
April Tabletop Banner of the Month Club
3 days ago
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