Do you like to sleep naked?SOMETIMES
Where was your default picture taken?In Jen's spare bedroom
What's your middle name?LaShay
Whats your current favorite color?pink, blue, red, black
What is your current mood?I'm getting sleepy
When is your birthday?July 7
What color shirt are you wearing?PINK
If you were going on a Reality TV show, which one would it be?Big Brother
Ever had a near death experience?Not really
Last beverage you had?cran-apple juice
Something you do a lot?WORK
How old will you be in 12 months?27
Do you want to see somebody right now?SURE
When was the last time you cried?Tonight. I'm stressed but I'm ok. :)
Who would you do anything for?My niece, sister, parents
Who is your hero?My sister! She makes people!
American Pie or Superbad?neither
Would you ever take one of your ex's back?No, once I'm done. I'm done.
What did you do last night?Worked and then came home and went to sleep immediately.
What was the first thing you thought this morning?Why am I falling off the bed?
Who is the last person that made you smile?Heather.
Have you ever fell TRULY in love?yes, once.
What was your last text you recieved and from who?From Jen, "They just showed up for the mazda"
What was the last text you sent and to who?To Sidny, "OK."
Do you miss someone and who?I miss my family, Luanne and Sidny.
Do you work?YEAH
Where do you work?T-Mobile until I'm out of school.
Do you enjoy your life?yes! Especially on the days I see Abby!
April Tabletop Banner of the Month Club
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