Oh wow! I didn't realize it had been so long since words spewed from me here!
I confess...a lot!
- I love living alone.
- I love it until the bills come in, that is.
- I've finally decided what I want to do with my life!
- Get married, have babies, return to my Heavenly Father.....oh, right. The realistic part.
- I want to get a degree in Family History/Geneology
- Yes, it's a made up degree from BYU but a lot of times that's what you get and it's something I have a huge interest in.
- What I don't have an interest in is cleaning.
- I'm so over it.
- I've cleaned the kitchen top to bottom and the living room.
- My bedroom and bathroom are pathetic.
- What? You're coming over to clean them for me?!
- Aww, thanks! But I will have to clean first and then you can "clean" while I apologize about how messy everything is. But I will vacuum because it destresses me.
- Dinner is next.
- Oh, how I loathe the kitchen and everything about it.
- I want a maid.