Saturday, August 9, 2008

All About Me

Your Life In 200 QuestionsBE COMPLETELY HONEST

200) My middle name is: LaShay

199) I was born in: 1982

198) I am really: tired of feeling like I am looked down upon.

197) My phone is: charging

196) My eye color is: bluish green

194) My height is: 4'10

193) I am allergic to: stupidity

192) I was born on: July 7

191) I am annoyed by: rude people.

190) Last book you read: I don't have a clue.

189) My bed is: I don't have a bed.

188) my favorite Holiday is: Thanksgiving.

187) The last four cds i bought were: I don't have a clue.

186) Are you living at home?: No.

185) Do you have any siblings?: Yes.

184) What did you do yesterday? Bought a car after I worked all day.

:::I Do /Do Not Believe In:::

141) Luck? Yes

140) Fate?: Yes

139) Yourself? Not lately but I'm trying to change that.

138) Aliens?: Yes.

137 Heaven?: Of course.

134 Horoscopes?: No but they are fun to read.

133 Soulmates?: Yes and I hope to fnd mine.

:::Which is Better?:::

129 Hugs or Kisses? Kisses.

128 Drunk or High? Neither.

125 Blondes or Brunettes? Blondes.

124 Hot or cold?: Cold

123 Summer or winter? Winter

121 Chocolate or vanilla ice cream? Vanilla

120 Night or day? Day, I stay busy therefore I don't think.

119 Oranges or Apples?: Apples

118 Curly or Straight hair? I've always wanted strait but I'm learning to like my curls.

:::Here's What I Think About:::

116 Abortion...... How about we don't go there?

115 Backstabbers....i have no use for them

::Last time I:::

100 Hugged someone?: Today

101 Saw someone: A few hours ago as I was walking General.


90 Who is the ditziest person you know: Ashley Brooke

89 Who makes you laugh the most? Sidny

88 Last movie you watched? Penelope

82 What I don't understand is: why people aren't consistant and why people are so very selfish when others are in need.

80 The most unsatisfying answer I've ever received is: I love you, I didn't mean for this to happen.

76 Something I will really miss when I leave home is? What else could I possibly miss but General?

75 The thing I'm looking forward to the most is: getting my car paid off and having things of my own soon.

74 Things that make you mad: not being able to do for myself like I feel like I should.

73 Tom: is my best friend.

72 Today? Is over, thank goodness.

71 Next Summer: I will be on my own and life will be great!

70 This Weekend: I am moving and working.

67 People call me: a bitch but that's ok cuz I'm looking out for me and General and that's it.

62 The person(s) who knows the most about me is: Luanne.

60 The most difficult thing to do is: get over the past.

59 I have gotten a speeding ticket: twice within a month.

58 The first person I talked to today was? Jen.

54 First time you had a crush: 2nd grade.

53 The one person who I can't hide things from? Luanne and Jen.

52 Last time someone said something you were thinking: today.

51 Right now I am talking to: Myself.

50 What is your dream job: If I knew that, I would have a degree in that field.

49 First job?: babysitting but first real job was Sargent's Texaco.

47 I have these pets: General, a 2 year old farting boston terror.

46 I wish: I could snap my fingers and this would all be over and I would have come out on top.

44 The person that makes me cry the most is: Jen at this point.

43 Best sound in the world?: Abby's heartbeat.

42 Who makes you happy? General.

35 Myspace or Facebook:myspace

30 Mexican food or Chinese? Mexican and Sushi.

32 My favorite color is: Pink

29 My computer is: broken.

28 MY Favorite food: pizza and chicken.

27 Last person who made you sad: Jen and Mikal collectively.

26 Person you secretly like?: Noone. I'm done.

25 Favorite place: Anywhere with no stress and no bills.

24 Favorite song: Carrie Underwood's version of I Told You So

23 Paper or plastic?: I don't care.

22 The all-time best movie(s) is/are: I dunno.

21 The all-time best feeling in the world is: Being in love.

19 What color is your hairbrush: black

18.Favorite shoes? heels and flip flops

17 I lose all respect for people who: cheat and lie

15 Color of the room you are in right now?: white

14 TV channels you watch?: HGTV

13 Best Feature in the opposite sex: Eyes & Lips

12 Best feature in you? My eyes

11 The worst pain I was ever in? After I had surgery and was getting back in the bed.

9 Favorite TV Shows: So You Think You Can Dance...I dunno.

6 Greatest Fear: snakes, and loving someone again

3 Who broke your heart?: Cliff...several times over.

1 biggest regret: Not finishing school sooner.

1 comment:

Jen said...

I'm really sorry. Please know I love you.